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Vote for these wonderful children's health and education projects and charities in the Pepsi Refresh Contest
and make a difference in the lives of kids all over the United States.

Because every child deserves to live a long and healthy life.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Meet CHERUBS - Provide financial assistance to families affected by CDH.

CHERUBS - Provide financial assistance to families affected by CDH.


  • To financially assist families affected by CDH
  • To provide gas cards to help with travel expenses
  • To provide restaurant gift cards to help with expenses
  • To provide grocery gift cards to help with expenses
  • To help with airline ticket and lodging costs when needed


The CDH Family Assistance Fund helps families with the expenses incurred traveling for medical care for very high-risk pregnancies and critically ill newborns. Often families have to travel 100's of miles to hospitals that are equipped to handle babies born with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and that provide ECMO, a heart and lung bypass machine, if needed. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia occurs when the diaphragm fails to fully form, allowing abdominal organs into the chest cavity and preventing lung growth. 50% of babies born with CDH do not survive.  The cause of CDH is not known, but it is as common as Cystic Fibrosis and Spina Bifida. Every 10 minutes a baby is born with CDH - adding up to over half a million babies since 2000.   The hospital stay for a severely affected baby can be as long as 1 year. With the medical bills and emotional stress that these families go through, we want to offer a little help with making travel easier and affordable.

How will the 25K be Used?

Budget Notes: Most pediatric hospitals are affiliated with the Ronald McDonald House, which provides lodging for many of our families. Our request for hotel gift cards are for those traveling long distances overnight to reach a hospital or those rare times when a Ronald McDonald House does not have an empty room.

Though CHERUBS  has just 1 project in this alliance, they have 4 more in this month's contest.   Their goal is to focus on 1 at a time to help the babies with all 5 needed grants so if you have extra votes please vote for one of these projects to help keep them in the top 100 so they will roll over each month.

Click here to vote for all 5 projects at once!

$250k CDH RESEARCH - text message 102542 send to 73774 (pepsi)
$50k Awareness - text 102365 to 73774
$25k Hospital Kits - text 101211 to 73774
$25k Financial Assistance - text 101202 to 73774
$25k Care Packages - text 102123 to 73774

Or click through each one below:


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